

伊頓名稱Subhasis Chatterjee董事總經理 - 印度液壓係統

多樣化的工業製造商伊頓探討了Chatterjee的Subshasis Chatterjee被評為公司在印度公司的液壓業務董事總經理。Chatterjee將在亞太地區伊頓液壓業務總裁夏漢·康貝達(Shyam Kambeyanda)彙報。Chatterjee成功了Nitin Chalke,該Chalke最近被命名為印度伊頓的總經理。“我很高興在他在水力學的多樣化全球作業後,次象已經采取了這種新的領導作用 ......


Amdocs selected as prime systems integrator to migrate all of Claro Chile’s customers onto Amdocs’ convergent B/OSS platform Amdocs (NYSE: DOX), the leading provider of customer experience systems and services, today announced that Claro Chile, one of the country’s largest service providers, has selected Amdocs to consolidate its business and operational support systems (B/OSS) in order to speed delivery of new services, realize greater operational efficiencies and provide an enhanced ......


在TM Forum Management世界美洲美洲美洲2012年在奧蘭多下周,客戶體驗係統和服務的領先提供商Amdocs將分享其關於服務提供商如何通過簡化經驗,利用數據,保持未來和存在的服務提供商在關聯世界中獲利的想法高效跨越一係列地區,包括eHealth和大數據。Amdocs將參加兩個TM論壇催化劑計劃事件:•大數據 - 展示如何服務 ......


Amdocs receives Telecom Asia’s 2011 Readers’ Choice awards forquality of innovation and contribution to technology advancement Amdocs (NYSE: DOX), the leading provider of customer experience systems, today announced that it has been named “BSS Vendor of the Year” and “OSS Vendor of the Year” by Telecom Asia’s Readers’ Choice Awards. This is the third consecutive year that Amdocs has received awards for product leadership from this forum. Telecom Asia is a ......

Virgin Media,英國領先的四級播放提供商,選擇Amdocs來整合n ...

Amdocs(紐約證券交易所代碼:DOX),客戶體驗係統的領先提供商,今天宣布英國領先的數字娛樂提供商處於聖母媒體,已選擇AMDOC以發展其網絡庫存管理係統。Amdocs將負責項目的整體係統集成,端到端實現和計劃管理。AMDOCS OSS IMPORATION解決方案隨著AMDOCS谘詢和實施服務提供,將使Virgin Media能夠提高網絡設計,規劃和保證, ......

國家能源中國代表團訪問Synefra的Padubidri Sez

浦那,2010年11月11日:領先的綜合基礎設施解決方案的提供商,Synefra Engineering&Construction Ltd今天歡迎一級政府級別的Govt。來自中國的商業代表團在Padubidri Sez。中國廣東核電,哈裏科公司和Creia的中國國家能源局的12名成員團隊抵達曼加爾山脈,一日遊參觀SEZ,是他們訪問印度的印度業務合作。 ......

