

01-28-2019下午04:32 |新媒體與軟件



Aspose開發團隊很高興宣布Aspose的新版本。細胞通過Java 18.12為Android。通過HTML頁麵描述的數據是非常常見的,然而這個頁麵可以打開在各種設備,包括手機、標簽和其他手持設備含有小屏幕。列的大小定義在“pt”,在許多情況下工作。但是可能有情況這固定大小可能不是必需的。例如,如果容器板寬度是600 px,這個HTML頁麵被顯示出來。在這種情況下,用戶可能會水平滾動條如果生成表的寬度更大。這個需求是解決通過提供可伸縮的單位更喜歡他們或百分比表示。空標簽是非常普遍的在處理HTML像我們可能麵臨或簡單。早些時候不支持自動關閉標簽但是現在提供這種支持。現在用戶可以加載任何HTML自動關閉的標簽並將它轉換成Excel文件。 Named regions can have English formulae and this file can be used in environments where systems are configured to German Locale. There is need to translate these English formulae completely to German language for correct usage in Excel configured for German language. This feature is fully functional and can be used without any extra coding. Excel provides custom filters like filter rows which begins with and ends with some specific string. Aspose.Cells provides rich features to manage shapes in the spreadsheet. Sometimes there is needed to get the connection points of a shape for aligning or placing the shapes at appropriate place. For this purpose all the connection points are required. Pivot tables are very common reports which are present in the workbooks. These reports are updated time by time and it is important to know the last time when report was updated for better decision making. Aspose.Cells has provided this feature by introducing property RefreshDate. Similarly name of the person who updated the pivot table is also provided as property RefreshedByWho. Smart art is used for better representation of information however earlier the text in the smart art shapes was fixed. This limitation is gone now as now smart art text can be updated. For this purpose shape.setText() function is introduced which sets new text in the smart art shape. Data validation is done in variety of ways to control the input in the Excel file. Like limit can be defined for a cell within which some number can be entered, otherwise error message is raised. Issues were faced for validation of large numbers like 12345678901 etc. in the past but now this much large numbers are supported by Aspose.Cells. Aspose.Cells has introduced rendering active worksheet in a workbook to SVG. For this purpose load an Excel file into workbook object and set the active sheet index like for Sheet2, set index to 1. Then save the Workbook as SVG which will render active worksheet to SVG. Workbook can have multiple sheets which are rendered as multiple tab pages when converted to HTML using Excel. Similarly if a workbook contains single sheet, it shows one tab page when converted to HTML using Excel. This conversion was working fine for multiple sheets while using Aspose.Cells. However for single sheet workbook, there was no tab page and only HTML file was created without creating the separate folder containing CSS. Now Aspose.Cells has enhanced its library to create similar output for single sheet workbooks as compared to output created by Excel. In complex Excel files (XLSM/XSLB) there can be large amount of macros which can be very very long. Many times there is a need to load the workbooks without loading these VBA projects like just extracting the sheet names from loaded workbook. In this case we need a filter which can load VBA projects in when they are actually required. This time Aspose.Cells has introduced a filter option LoadDataFilterOptions.VBA which can be used for this purpose. Textbox is very common control which can be used in a worksheet. This is not necessary that text in the textbox is fixed. It may have tags which can be replaced with some text at runtime. It helps users to configure the controls as per the data on the sheet or from some other source. Worksheet.replace can be used for this purpose and textbox can be set with the desired text. It can convert worksheet to HTML but rendering entire sheet at once may not be required always. Users may require just a selected area of the sheet to be rendered to HTML. Worksheets contain page setup where print area can be set. A worksheet can have different types of validations including dropdown. There can be a need where user may want to detect the type of validation and take some decision based on this information. This release includes plenty of improved features and bug fixes as listed below

•Aspose。細胞for Java JavaDocs - missing package-list file
•LightCells API未能加載大文件
•例外" . lang。OutOfMemoryError: Java堆空間”當呈現MS Excel文件為PDF
•圖線是失蹤XLSX - > PNG轉換
•出口命名範圍數據不正確呈現HTML (Java)
•e xcel PDF轉換測量圖表呈現的問題



一些新的技巧和文章已經被添加到Aspose。細胞為Androiddocumentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

——識別自閉標簽: +自我+關閉+標簽

——獲得形狀的連接點: +連接+點+ +形狀


Aspose。細胞for Android is a MS Excel spreadsheet component that allows programmer to develop android applications for reading, writing & manipulate Excel spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX, XLSM, SpreadsheetML, CSV, tab delimited) and HTML file formats without needing to rely on Microsoft Excel. It supports robust formula calculation engine, pivot tables, VBA, workbook encryption, named ranges, custom charts, spreadsheet formatting, drawing objects like images, OLE objects & importing or creating charts.





Aspose企業有限公司成立於2002年3月在悉尼,澳大利亞。首先是企業門戶網站在2002年10月推出。Aspose致力於為全球提供最富有的組件選擇。net程序員。成千上萬的組織的國家獲得Aspose產品,包括微軟、IBM、普華永道、安永(Ernst & Young),杜邦,希爾頓酒店,《讀者文摘》,美國銀行(Bank of America),波音公司,西門子等。






News-ID: 1537893•觀點:568


讀/寫項目使用MS Office 365創建項目在線服務使用.NE…
新的在這個版本是什麼?Aspose團隊高興地宣布Aspose的新版本。對。net 19.2的任務。這個版本包括支持微軟項目在線,MPP文件保存與微軟Office 365雲現在支持。還修複一些問題與API報道,進一步加強穩定的API。Aspose。任務為。net API現在支持微軟Office 365項目在線服務。現在,用戶應
aspose。雲通訊2019年2月:工作與雲文件格式REST api &年代…
Aspose。雲通訊發布的2019年2月已經強調所有的新功能提供了在最近的版本中支持。它還包括信息雲REST API和sdk處理Microsoft Visio圖表,重新排序多個幻燈片在一個雲REST API調用,將HTML轉換成減價和MHTML格式在雲應用程序等等。雲REST API和sdk處理Microsoft Visio圖表操作
Aspose通訊發布的2019年2月已經強調所有的新功能提供了在最近的版本中支持。它包括信息提高效率和性能使用JDK 11 PDF API兼容,沒有加載的加載Excel工作簿有效率VBA項目,使用最新版本的Aspose。PDF為c++與新代碼的變化,用字符串創建PST文件夾層次結構符號,檢測基於存檔的文件格式和使用AMF文件



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